Our northern suburbs are home to some of the largest and
most beautiful trees. Trees are an integral part of our lives. Trees have been
recycling and purifying the air; furthermore, trees have been providing shade
to the local inhabitants for decades. They are the commonest destinations for
play dates. Parents do not have to travel far with their children for swings as
they have hung swings over some trees. Moreover, trees add to the scenic beauty
of the area.
Although trees add to the scenic beauty of the area. However,
they require maintenance in the form of trimming. Tree trimming in Northernsuburbs is important because if trees are left to their own devices, they
tend to grow in all directions. Their branches may interfere with power lines,
resulting in power outages or voltage fluctuations that may result in
disastrous consequences for electrical appliances. Trees can also interfere
with phone lines, resulting in disturbance or disconnection.

Deciding how to trim your tree is important because how a
tree is trimmed ultimately affect what it will look like for a long time as
well as how it grows. For example, if you want your tree to be tall, you
must discourage auxiliary growth of the
branches; then you will have to carry on trimming its branches in that area and
below the area. If you want to encourage the growth of auxiliary branches, then
you can chop off the apex (the part of the tree where auxins accumulate) after
it achieves your required height. Be very careful when doing this because once
you trim off the apex your tree will only sprout branches, there will be no or
very slow apical growth. If you are unsure about how to trim your tree, we
recommend seeking professional guidance.
Tree trimming is often done professionally for aesthetic and
recreational purposes as well. While visiting a flower festival or botanical
garden or park, you may have come across tree branches shaped uniformly or like
an animal or some everyday object or
geometric shape. Some countries hold tree trimming competitions
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